Academy Awards 2024 Review and Predictions

Check out my Top 5 Hits and Top 5 Misses from the Academy Awards as well as “And the Oscar Goes To…2024 Edition” - my predictions for this year’s awards!!!

Episode 24 - Oscars 2024 Review

Episode 23 - Best Picture

Episode 21 - Best Animated Feature

Episode 19 - Best Animated Short

Episode 18 - Best Live Action Short

Episode 17 - Best Documentary Short

Episode 14 - Best Sound

Episode 13 - Best Film Editing

Episode 10 - Best Actress

Episode 9 - Best Actor

Episode 7 - Best Supporting Actor

Episode 5 - Best Costume Design

Episode 3 - Best Director

Episode 11 - Best Cinematography

Episode 12 - Best Visual Effects


Cinephile Mike's Indie Corner


Awards Season Reviews - Season 2 (2023-2024)